Using library SPI in folder: C:\Users\RayL\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\sam\1.6.4\libraries\SPI Surely there must be many people using the Due with Ethernet, and the lack of complaints from others suggests my problem is a bit more unique, no? I had the same problem with 1.6.1, and it seems nobody else is having the same problem I am. I'm willing to give it a try, but I'm skeptical it will make any difference. Anyone having troubles with the ethernet shield/Due combination and willing to experiment with the library mods, let me know here or PM me. I have an ethernet library mod that uses the "old way" of manipulating the slave select. The first example is the way the w5100 handles the slave select.Įdit: I just looked at the v1.6.3 ethernet code, and it does use the new SPI code in w5100.cpp.Įdit2: Maybe the new Due SPI library code is the problem. this handles the slave select on D10 automatically this expects the sketch to handle the slave select

Only if you change the SPI.transfer calls does it handle the slave select automatically. That's true in some instances, but there is no code in the ethernet library that uses the Due's SPI ability. Can someone tell me which functions the Due would use here? This is from the utility/w5100.h file. I am considering buying a Due to upgrade from my Mega 2560, but before I do, I would like to know how the Due uses the w5100 slave select using the ethernet library. I usually answer questions about this shield, but this has me a bit stumped.